" Now every field is clothed with grass, and every tree with leaves; now the woods put forth their blossoms, and the year assumes its merry attire" -Virgil. Spring is here,  the best days of the year to wear interesting colourful cloths.

Taking spring as an inspiration i am taking up printed shirt as the highlight for this blog. Printed shirt in semi- formal look is what i have done here.

Pineapple  printed green shirt is paired with black trouser. I pinned the Jacquard Broach in top button. A red cotton cardigan is hung around the shoulder.  A white strap shoes with printed socks complete the look.

Wardrobe :
1. Printed shirt from Vans of the wall
2. Jacquard Broach from Mohan Lal Singh shopping complex, CP, Delhi
3. White Strap shoes from Kamla Nagar Market, New delhi 


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